A joyful to do list for September


Can I let you in on a little secret? September is my favourite month of the year. I love it more than my birthday month, November. I love it more than December with all of it’s festive fun, and more than May, with it’s double bank holidays and spring sunshine. 

Because September is a bit special isn’t it? The weather is still good, the evenings are still light, and there’s a fresh energy in the air that’s so welcome after a slower summer. 

So to celebrate the return of my favourite month, I thought I’d share a joyful to do list for September. I’d love to make these lists a regular feature, so let me know if that’s something you’d enjoy!

Set yourself some new goals

September is the perfect time for goal setting. There’s a sort of new year energy in the air thanks to the back to school season, and there’s still a decent chunk of time to make some great stuff happen before the end of the year. Get your notebook out, spend some time dreaming, and commit your plans to paper. And if you need some accountability, come over and share your goals with me on Instagram!

Print your favourite summer photos

While your memories are still fresh in your mind, take some time this month to print your favourite summer photos. Hang them up somewhere at home, or stick them in a scrapbook - either way, having a physical print out of all those sunny moments will help you to make the memories last longer. 

Embrace the return of routine

I love summer, with its long lazy nights and its spontaneous road trips, but there’s something really good about getting back into a routine too. Embrace the comfort that routine brings, and think about what habits you’d love to cultivate in the coming months.

Watch out for the first signs of autumn

September brings the first signs of autumn, and if you pay close attention, you can literally watch the seasons change before your eyes. Keep a look out for the colours changing on the trees, the sunsets drawing in earlier, and delicious fruit like apples, pears and dates coming in to season after spending the summer ripening. 

Plan your wardrobe for A/W

If you’ve been reading my blog for a little while now you’ll know that I have massively cut back on the amount of clothes I buy, and I no longer advocate a full wardrobe refresh for each season. However, now is a good time to rummage through your wardrobe, take stock of what you already own, and replace any items that need replacing before the temperature drops. 

Treat yourself to a new notebook

New season, new notebook! Embrace the back to school vibes and treat yourself to a new pretty notebook while the shops are full of them. It’s amazing what a blank page can do for your creativity and productivity. 

Soak up the last of the good weather

Last but by no means least, spend some time this month soaking up every last bit of the sunshine! Before we know it we’ll be all bundled up in coats and scarves and complaining about the rain, so get out there and top your vitamin D up while you still can.

What’s on your to do list for September?


A Joyful To Do List For September