50 joyful things you can do at home


It looks like we’re all going to be spending a lot more time at home than usual for the foreseeable future, and so today, I wanted to share a big old list of joyful things you can do at home.

I hope this post reminds you that even though times are uncertain, and even though so many of the things we love will have to be put on hold for a little while, there is still so much we can do to invite a little bit of joy into our lives. 

Not everything on this list will appeal to each and every one of you, but why don’t you jot down the ones that do? Having a plan of the joyful activities you can fill this time with will make you feel a little calmer and more in control.

Feel free to share this list with anybody who needs it, and let me know what you’d add to it!

1) Practice some at home yoga - I thoroughly recommend Yoga With Adriene’s channel

2) Sort through old photos and put some scrapbooks together.

3) Have a nap.

4) Practice meditation - the Headspace app is great if you’re a beginner.

5) Make your way through some brilliant books - I have lots of recommendations over on Instagram if you need them.

6) Watch that hit TV show that everyone is always talking about. 

7) Have a Skype date with your friends - bring your own wine, do a virtual cheers and have a good old catch up.

8) Have a bath.

9) Read through your cookbooks and highlight any recipes that you’d love to try.

10) Set up a bird feeder in your garden and keep an eye out for any visitors.

11) Do a jigsaw.

12) Declutter your wardrobe.

13) Make a list of places you’d love to travel to once normality resumes.

14) Give yourself an at home facial.

15) Bake a loaf of bread - I’ve got my eye on this easy recipe

16) Catch up on any DIY jobs you’ve been putting off.

17) Try a new craft - I’ve been working on this embroidery kit and loving it. 

18) Read a magazine.

19) Speak to a loved one on the phone.

20) Make a list of your favourite films and re-watch them.

21) Write cards or letters to your friends and family.

22) Start a new creative project.

23) Take an online class - Skillshare have tonnes of great ones, and Brit+Co are offering all of their classes for free right now. 

24) Open up your windows and listen to the birds for a while.

25) Play a board game - Scrabble is the go to in our house.

26) Make a vision board.

27) Do some mindful colouring with a book like this one.

28) Spread some love by leaving reviews for your favourite podcasts or books.

29) Make a playlist of your favourite songs and have a kitchen dance party.

30) Try your hand at learning a new language - Duolingo is great

31) Find a new favourite podcast.

32) Gather all your blankets and duvets and make a den.

33) Invent a new cocktail using only the ingredients you have in your house.

34) Start writing a daily journal - you’ll want to reflect back on all of this in years to come.

35) Support a charity or cause you care about by donating money or spreading awareness.

36) Potter in the garden.

37) Re-organise one of the rooms in your house. 

38) Write a gratitude list.

39) Have a picnic in bed. 

40) Watch these giant pandas hanging out via a live stream from the Smithsonian National Zoo.

41) Light your favourite candles - now is the time for all those things you’ve been saving for “best”.

42) Make a start on that book you’ve always talked about writing.

43) Watch all of the Harry Potter films (we did this at Christmas and I thoroughly recommend!).

44) Give yourself a mani-pedi.

45) Have an early night.

46) Set up a virtual co-working space with your friends using Google Hangouts or Zoom.

47) Take a virtual tour of a museum you’ve always wanted to visit

48) Practice your photography skills around your house.

49) Make yourself a really great breakfast.

50) Host a virtual book club with your friends.

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