Let's catch up!

Hello everyone!

It’s felt like a really long time since I’ve sat down and written a bit of a catch up post here on the blog - in fact, a quick look through the archives tells me that there hasn’t been one for over a year.

Blogging feels a little bit retro these days, and all of the marketing experts will tell you that it should only be used for providing “searchable” information, but the truth is, I was a blogger for a really long time before I was a coach and a positive psychology practitioner, and I miss the days when we all used to share little life updates in written form.

So, today I’m going to do just that. And gosh, have I got a lot of life updates to share! 2022 has been a whirlwind to say the least, and it’s fair to say that there’s been plenty going on behind the scenes. 

Let’s start with my personal life - some of you might have seen me share the news over on Instagram that my husband and I are expecting our first baby! At the time of writing this post, I’m just over halfway through my pregnancy, and after the longest, slowest first trimester of nausea and exhaustion, I feel like time has been placed on fast forward. The weeks are passing by in the blink of an eye, and I’m starting to feel a ~little~ bit apprehensive about how underprepared we are…

I’m so very excited about this next chapter of life - I know it won’t all be sunshine and roses (having a niece and nephew means I’ve seen firsthand some of the challenges that babies and children can bring!), but I also know that there is so much joy ahead of us. And after the usual tricky first trimester, I’ve been really enjoying pregnancy - I’m feeling more creative and energised than I have done in ages!

I’m excited to channel that energy into my work in the coming weeks, and there’s so much to get stuck into. If you missed it, my debut book, Choose Joy, will be published this November (still not quite over writing that if I’m honest!). With publication will come a whole load of press and a book tour (more info to come), on top of my usual coaching calls. Plus, we’ll be launching a brand new programme in October too - keep your eyes peeled for that!

I’m feeling very grateful for my wonderful team and all of the support they offer in keeping me organised and on track. I’m really not sure I’d have gotten through this year without them - writing a book and growing a little human has taken up a lot of time and energy, and the only reason I’ve been able to keep showing up and sharing content is thanks to them. They’ll also be keeping things ticking over while I take a mini mat leave in the new year, so there’ll still be podcast episodes and Instagram posts to get your teeth stuck into!

Outside of work and pregnancy, I’m working on some little home renovations - I think my nesting instincts are already kicking in, as I have such a huge craving to get everything feeling as cosy as possible! We’re redecorating our bedroom and living room, and I’m already feeling excited to spend lots of winter evenings hibernating at home once they’re done. Plus, I’m trying my very best to savour this season - autumn and winter have felt a little bit marred by covid in the last few years, so I’m very much enjoying planning in catch ups with friends and thinking about all the little traditions I want to bring back this year.

I think that’s about it from me, and hopefully this little update explains why my blog posts have been sporadic this year! We’ve got tonnes of content planned for the coming months to make up for it, so thank you for sticking with me. 

For now, I’d love to know - what’s going on with you?!