Finding The Joy In Everyday (+ a new free mini book!)

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Joy - we all want more of it, don’t we? But how many of us commit to building a daily joy practice, or carve out time to reconnect with our inner joy?

I’m guessing not that many of us. Because life is busy and it’s hectic. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and worry, and lose sight of all the happiness around us.

But I wholeheartedly believe that we all deserve more joy, and that we deserve to experience it every single day - not just when the sun is shining or we’ve achieved something brilliant or we’re heading off on holiday.

Because the truth is, our lives are filled with so much joy. Tiny miracles happen around us every single day, and the key to living a joyful life is slowing down enough to notice them. As Brene Brown says, “Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary”.

Over the years I’ve found that there are a few exercises and journaling prompts that help me to prioritise joy and build more of it into my everyday life, and I wanted to share them with you all. And so I’ve created a brand new mini book, Finding The Joy In Everyday, to help you do just that.

The book is split into two sections - the first section contains some journaling prompts to help you start reconnecting with your inner joy, and the second section contains some exercises and tasks that will help you to find that everyday joy we’re all craving.

You can download your free copy here and if you enjoy it, be sure to let me know over on Instagram by using the hashtag #findingthejoyineveryday.